There comes a point when even millennials become sick of scrolling mindlessly on their smart devices and resort to picking up a book for a good read. Books are incredible resources. Not only do they provide a wealth of knowledge; they are good for stress reduction, memory development, improved focus, and refined speech and writing. Off the top of my head, I can think of 66 books which provide transformation in one’s life! *corny Bible joke alert*
This week, we asked some of our volunteers what their favorite reads are. If you are looking to learn or need to fill your quarantine time, check out their answers!

Black, Red, White, and Green
by Ted Dekker
This circle series of 4 books is a fun way to let your imagination go! The entire plotline hints at heaven and hell, God and Satan, light vs. dark. This fiction story revolves around Thomas Hunter who attempts to stop a world pandemic while gaining wisdom, strategy and answers in a dream reality. Can he save earth? What about his alter reality? Will he die there as well? Will Elyon (aka: God) redeem mankind from this tragic disease? Only one way to find out...
- Alyssa

Rees Howells: Intercessor
by Norman Grubb
This book goes through the life of Reese Howells and his journey to understand the depth that intercession can take you to. Living life amidst worldwide turmoil, this is a man totally devoted to understanding the heart of the Father. This biography also touches on the role that prayer played in altering World War II.
- Karissa
![A Tale of Three Kings by [Gene Edwards]](
A Tale of Three Kings
by Gene Edwards
Wow, what a challenging book! This is a really short read, packed with a loving gut-punch of truth, disguised in a beautiful story. I learned heaps about humility, how to deal with hurt, and navigating complex relationships in the Body of Christ from this book.
- Delrick

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
by Donald Miller
How would we live life differently if we actively lived it like a good story? This book changed my life. It really put into perspective how God is the author of my life and that challenge and difficulty are not things to avoid but actually opportunities to live life more fully.
- Elise

Everybody Always
by Bob Goff
This book is a super fun read, filled with hilarious, heartwarming stories from the author's life and his journey of loving people who might normally be marginalized, forgotten, or condemned. He portrays God's heart in an inspiring, entertaining, and challenging way.
- Elise

Love Does
by Bob Goff
A very engaging book filled with rich story-telling about how to live life proactively loving people. The author captures what it means to walk as a son or daughter of Christ and, through intimacy with God, love people intentionally the way He loves them.
- Rose

The Total Money Makeover
by Dave Ramsey
If you are struggling to make ends meet, have debt, or want to steward money with a Kingdom mindset, give this a read! It's the perfect combination of practical and biblical, and is full of life-giving challenge.
- Alyssa

Let the Nations Be Glad: The Supremacy of God in Missions
by John Piper
This book is an excellent book on missions, worship, and the compelling force of the Great Commission! If you're looking for a good read, I promise you'll come away with a better understanding of God's worthiness and understanding of the work that still needs to be done in order to fulfill Jesus' final command.
- Joel

Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting
by Derek Prince
Are your prayers rigid and repetitive? Does fasting feel like a chore? Not anymore! This book is packed with testimony, scripture, and practical ways to pray and fast, knowing that it's powerful, effective, and fulfilling!
- Alyssa

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
by John Mark Comer
This book is a great read as John Mark Comer's writing style is easy to follow. He tells stories from his own life, history, and the Bible to bring to light the problem of a hurried lifestyle. Comer shares how the world got to this place, why it’s a problem, and walks you through how to live an unhurried life.
- Ana

Huia Come Home
by Jay Ruka
This book is still majorly impacting the way that I think about modern Christianity, worldview, and the church. It's all about the way that Christianity has been communicated and implemented through a European culture and worldview. I highly recommend every Christian read it (especially missionaries).
- Delrick